News FocalPoint Server to Attend NAB Las Vegas to Empower Workflows Worldwide – Saving Time and Money
PRESS RELEASE – For Immediate Release
Tel: +44 (0) 1173700963
20th March 2018
Contact Ken Bell for further information, full resolution images or logos.
The FocalPoint Server team will be attending NAB Las Vegas on stand SL5124. FocalPoint Server is a unique Workflow Asset Management (WAM) software solution that deals with your projects from pre-production to archive. Already trusted by Fox Sport, NBC Universal, BT Sport and the BBC, FocalPoint Server is bringing further solutions to NAB Las Vegas.
FocalPoint Server (FPS) is a software and production gateway that literally allows your team to pull together remotely. This means you retain the best worldwide talent, retain control and without wasting time on unnecessary travel or other expenditure.
You can’t force the hand of a creative… So let them do what they do best, create great content… FPS looks after the rest.
Simply launch the FPS application and projects are tracked from ingest to archive. Our rules based system speeds up production time, pulls together remote teams and means nothing is lost… Why do things twice?
We are the only Workflow Asset Management (WAM) and Project Asset Management (PAM) tool that dynamically tracks workflow components and collaboration between users. What is more, FPS seamlessly integrates with other existing Media Asset Management (MAM) tools you already have in place. No downtime, just carry on working.
Effectively FPS operates a ‘traffic light’ system in the background that allows seamless collaboration between users. As users grow so does the importance of FPS.
How FPS can help:
– Enforce correct file naming and save to the correct file location
– Create a folder, name it & put everything in the correct place
– Looks after versioning and overwriting
– Push out system or project preferences
– Intelligent filters & search
– Track Projects & Manage Media Collaboration – work comes to you
– Find files in 1 2 3 Clicks…Your objectives solved with FPS:
– Flexible working Lan, Wan, Cloud & Remote
– Manage users who do not know the rules
– Assist production & IT Staff to manage & track work
– Reduce File Management
– Eliminate file loss
– Increase productivity
– Maintain company compliance & standards
– Ease of use & maintenance
– Protect against accidental deletion
– Reduce cost across the board and projectWe are not a MAM!
This is important for anyone considering FPS to consider, but far less to worry about.Definition: Media Asset Management (MAM) is software logic, designed to manage rich media assets and associated metadata across diverse systems. Production Asset Management (PAM) systems focus on managing assets as they are being created for a digital media production (video game, 3D feature film, animation, visual-effects shots, etc.) They usually include workflow and project-management features coupled with the storage, organization and revision control of frequently changing digital assets.
Notes for the Editor:
About FocalPoint Server:
FocalPoint Server came out of the “fires “of the London Olympics 2012. The task was to manage existing users and the extra 200 freelancers who were not familiar with company work practices. The key was to make it simple so people would use it.What is FocalPoint Server Software?
Launch your graphics or editing application through our gateway/simple interface that allows users to collaborate in the Cloud, WAN or LAN, and find their files in three clicks. We track projects from ingest to archive, ensuring correct naming of projects, bins and their storage location. We set project preferences for each job, with version control. This filtering or traffic light approach to managing users increases workflow efficiency and collaboration. As the number of users and department’s increase, the importance of this approach grows exponentially. Remote working via the Cloud reduces the cost of hotel, space and associated expenses while ensuring flexible working and collaboration.Contact for FocalPoint Server: | +44 (0)1173 700 963